100 Things Red Wings Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things Red Wings Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris 1. what is the advertisement about??
2. What information from the advertisement??

Bantu Jawab​

1. what is the advertisement about??
2. What information from the advertisement??

Bantu Jawab​


1. the advertisement is about coffee drink that can be sip everywhere we go

2. information from the adv is describe what coffee made from, and packed in bottle size that can fit in our hands


1. Iklan nya menjelaskan tentang kopi siap saji yang bisa dinikmati dimana saja.

2. isi iklan nya menjelaskan tentang dari apa kopi itu dibuat, dan dikemas dalam botol sehingga dapat dibawa dan dinikmati kapan saja.
